Helping a bride with her wedding day is a great pleasure.  From the beginning of the communication we like to help the client make the right decisions and we love to get involved in the process.  This couldn’t have been more fun with a recent bride (late summer 2019) who decided to get married within a few months of her engagement – why wait?  “Was it enough time?” she asked and I reassured her that we had organised a wedding for 200 only the year before in less time.  A chat on the phone prompted lots of hot tips from us regarding band recommendations, generator hire suggestions and much more.  It is such good fun being part of it all.    The bride was the youngest of 3 sisters to get married and when Bertie had finished putting up the marquee and setting it all up the bride’s father said “What a shame we have only just discovered you – your tent is by far the best marquee we’ve had”.

That makes it all worthwhile.